Gudaibiya-the place where i am currently put up. The place is primarily the home to many Indian and Pakistani families but one can see Philippinos and Ethopians too. Check out the National Emblem of Bahrain, its looks so dashing. It was designed by a British advisor in the 1930's (source:wikipedia)
Exhibition Avenue in Manama is a crowded place on weekends. The Al Fatih Highway. Impressive Infrastructure. Taken as the sun set, seen here is a mosque in the background. The Al Fatih Highway Again
This picture was taken during my evening walk. I wanted to capture the dates tree along with the hoarding to signify the presence of the Subway restaurant in the Gulf Region.
This picture was shot during my evening walk around the city. Bahrain is said to comprise of 33 islands and is the smallest country in the Gulf. Its little wonder that the sea, lake or corniche is quickly accessible from within the city.
This picture was shot during my evening walk. Bahrain is a modern city and is considered of the fastest growing economies in the GCC. Seen here are two of the many buildings that makes Bahrain's skyline unique and chic.
My first weekend in Bahrain! Head to the Hard Rock Cafe, my first attempt at the waterhole. The interiors at the Hard Rock Cafe. On the far left is the vĂȘtement that the Queen of Pop Madonna wore during her days. Memorabilia on display at the Hard Rock Cafe.
I am an Information Security Consultant from Mumbai, India. I have around 6 and a half years of experience, 3 of which come from being involved with security projects for my current organization.
I have the following credentials under me:CISSP, Security+, CCNA, Cisco Qualified Security Specialist and Project+.